Sunday, March 3, 2019
Should I reintroduce myself again here ha! I feel like its been ages since I last posted something here on le BLOG!
This is so bad of me right! The truth is that I feel like people no longer read blogs like before, Instagram has made it much easier for people to share everything on stories and on the feed making blogs to look more or less useless these days. I don't know if am the only one seeing it this way or am I just totally wrong. I mean even Youtube is no longer that interesting ever since we got the InstaTV as well, isn't it?
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Happy New month guys! Hope you all had a great start! Feels funny that we are about to start enjoying spring here in Germany yet last week was minus 17 degrees. And today(on Sunday) as I took these photos we were having it all sunny and at plus 8 degrees and it felt really great. I just can't wait for spring cause its my favourite season. I find summer somehow too hot and somehow uncomfortable. How about you guys? Whats your favourite season of the year?