Monday, June 11, 2018
Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I hop you all doing BEST as I am on this other side of the world.
As I write this post am sitting in the train heading to do some braids on my hair. You know braids and conrows are the ultimate summer hairstyles, right! It's so hot right now in the train and the sun rays are quite annoying as well, actually I feel like just removing and putting everything am wearing right now into my bag, starting with this afro wig Ha!
Monday, September 26, 2016
How you sweets all doing? Long time no see or better said long time no communication with you guys cause literally we mostly see each other here online ha! So how have you guys been. On my side am doing perfectly fine just busy with the books getting ready to finish this final Semester. Its not easy oh, but am also not just letting it be difficult. So sweets bear with me if I take long to do Blogpost, But am more active on INSTAGRAM and SNAPCHAT as there is no editing to be done ha!
Sunday, June 14, 2015