Tuesday, October 4, 2016
WHEN GOD DOESN'T BLESS US AS WE WANT, IT DOESN'T MEAN HE ISN'T BLESSING US AS HE WANTS! I read this one somewhere and felt like leaving it right here dearies, so how you guys faring. Welcome to OCTOBER! We officially in the eating season yay!!! You know the layering together with the heavy jackets are gonna hide everything and sure chocolates are our new partners in crime, isn't it? Lets not forget the grind as we eat and enjoy the festive season that is slowly approaching. This years goals have to be accomplished no matter what...
Monday, September 12, 2016
How best do you guys show or make those limbs as long as possible? My favourite trick is the hot pants and the perfect camera angle whereby the photographer is typically lying on the ground ha! Cause why not? The hot pant must be as hot and as high as possible and the perfect fit. Being that I am a blessed African woman with quantity, I tend to have difficulties in finding a short or denim pants that fit my "fine thank you" if at all you can relate and at the same time my waist. Its always a struggle sometimes I gotta fix the problem myself which never come out as great as i wish it to be but am still very grateful cause why not? Actually am not that tall but thank the heels too I can now admire the long legs here, hope you too
Monday, July 13, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015