Sunday, April 28, 2019
Hey beautiful, How are you doing?
Hope your easter holidays were as great as mine and you had a good time starting afresh because Christ is risen honey and we can start again despite whatever we are facing. I always feel like Easter is time to change what we wanted to change when the new year began but have been putting it aside. Its time to start over and the year is still young. We are here for 2019 and thats my reminder to you!
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Should I reintroduce myself again here ha! I feel like its been ages since I last posted something here on le BLOG!
This is so bad of me right! The truth is that I feel like people no longer read blogs like before, Instagram has made it much easier for people to share everything on stories and on the feed making blogs to look more or less useless these days. I don't know if am the only one seeing it this way or am I just totally wrong. I mean even Youtube is no longer that interesting ever since we got the InstaTV as well, isn't it?