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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Happy Weekend Sweets!
Hope you are all doing good, the weather has also been more than positive here in Munich and look who I found! I thought I lost these photos that I took last week but one and forgot about mmh..You know I had a two weeks Holiday and I really couldn't resist the Photo taking ha!
So I decided to do some blue as you guys might already have noticed it, I am obsessed with Crop tops so bad and to this blue one just added my blue sandals with these pants. This is just effortless and you don't have to do much 
Its back to school again for me and exams are also waiting, am just here dreaming about the summer holidays lol
Hope you guys like the outfit, I think it can be awesome for a Youth Event or something... What do you guys think
Thanks for  Visiting
Lovely Weekend and a great start into the new Week!

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