Sunday, October 6, 2019
Halloo beautiful people, How are you all doing?
Its been long and yes I know! Do you guys still enjoy reading blogs? I mean Instagram has taken the best part of us and we spend so much time there even more than youtube right! Are you guilty?
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Why is it that we Bloggers tend to do so little during the summer while the days are longer and the sun is shinning? This is the time we can express our feelings in outfits and share all the fun ha! Is it the weather or the little time we have cause some days its just too hot that you don't even wanna go outside. Its also that no make up season cause girl you step out of the door and everything melts away... Or could be that in summer there are so many birthday parties and barbecues that we got less time for the Blog. Am just sitting here in my dressing room drinking Ice Tea and wondering ( Btw I quit Alcohol last week after embarrassing myself lets see how long I can do this ha! )
Monday, October 10, 2016
Hallo ladies and gentlemen! Or do I just say ladies? You never know who is reading so Hallo World.
How are you guys fairing? On my side am celebrating life as my sister just had a baby girl! At the same time am grieving as I just lost an uncle. Am in a mixed situation but all in all I thank God for the gift of life and I can't question why He always pick the ones we care so much about, but hey its part of the journey that we all heading in that direction one day one time when the right time comes. Till then we need to just be happy and celebrate the gift of life as we can't predict what tomorrow may bring, can we? I am not so good at addressing personal issues dolls so let me leave it at that point.
Monday, September 26, 2016
How you sweets all doing? Long time no see or better said long time no communication with you guys cause literally we mostly see each other here online ha! So how have you guys been. On my side am doing perfectly fine just busy with the books getting ready to finish this final Semester. Its not easy oh, but am also not just letting it be difficult. So sweets bear with me if I take long to do Blogpost, But am more active on INSTAGRAM and SNAPCHAT as there is no editing to be done ha!
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Hallo Sweets and how have you all been doing! On my end am doing more than great! I mean the weather has been awesome throughout the week and everything seems to be going and working out as planned. Hope your grinding is also as awesome and the yield is at great as the investment you putting into it!