Thursday, August 10, 2017
Why is it that we Bloggers tend to do so little during the summer while the days are longer and the sun is shinning? This is the time we can express our feelings in outfits and share all the fun ha! Is it the weather or the little time we have cause some days its just too hot that you don't even wanna go outside. Its also that no make up season cause girl you step out of the door and everything melts away... Or could be that in summer there are so many birthday parties and barbecues that we got less time for the Blog. Am just sitting here in my dressing room drinking Ice Tea and wondering ( Btw I quit Alcohol last week after embarrassing myself lets see how long I can do this ha! )
Monday, September 12, 2016
How best do you guys show or make those limbs as long as possible? My favourite trick is the hot pants and the perfect camera angle whereby the photographer is typically lying on the ground ha! Cause why not? The hot pant must be as hot and as high as possible and the perfect fit. Being that I am a blessed African woman with quantity, I tend to have difficulties in finding a short or denim pants that fit my "fine thank you" if at all you can relate and at the same time my waist. Its always a struggle sometimes I gotta fix the problem myself which never come out as great as i wish it to be but am still very grateful cause why not? Actually am not that tall but thank the heels too I can now admire the long legs here, hope you too
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Hallo Sweets and how have you all been doing! On my end am doing more than great! I mean the weather has been awesome throughout the week and everything seems to be going and working out as planned. Hope your grinding is also as awesome and the yield is at great as the investment you putting into it!
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Did you guys also watch the match between GERMANY AND ITALY!!! That was a match and a half! I must say am so proud of both teams cause it was all about luck at the end of it all. What we saw at the penalty time was just luck cause both did a great job and they were both prepared for each other. I am not such a football fan I must admit, I always just take part of it with the boys but when it gets tough am like the only one who has been part of it like ever since!
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Hallo sweets and how you all doing?
On the other side we very much fine and summer or let me start by saying spring is slowly coming though the weather is still not making it in anyway easier! Anyways, those are just stories that should not even bother us, lets leave the weather do what it feels like doing but today lets talk khaki in different way. I was at Zara last week but one and I was looking for a good handbag that I can use to carry my books and files since the one thatI bought last year is worn out. Currently am not even interested in shopping like I used to be before. I am trying to sell all my items and then start a fresh again! So I get inside Zara and the first thing i notice is this long shirt or coat for that matter and I have always admired patches. I was actually going to get that bomber jacket with patches last few months till I realised how many 12 year old girls were rocking it and I am not that kind of person who would like to look like a kid as am already small in height ha! But still Patches are the new distressed!!
I love stories but let me show you how am gonna be rocking this khaki patchwork number this summer, in the first look as you can see I was actually going to just blog it that way till i changed my mind to the four different ways cause this is something am gonna be rocking most of the time. So..
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015